My Studio Lesson Policies
"Everything must be made as simple as possible but not one bit simpler." - Albert Einstein
Policy Summary:
For thoses who want the gist of my policies, I've tried to make this as short as possible.
I would recommend reading the full version (it's not that long).
Important things:
- Cost per 1/2 hour lesson - $30.
- Billed monthly, through email. Currently, I use an app called Wave
- I expect payment at the first lesson or by the 8th of the month or a late fee may be applied.
- cash, check (payable to Mike Magee), and Paypal is available
Need to be Absent from a lesson?
- I require at least 8 days notice, or essentially the lesson before you have to be absent.
If you are unable to give the advanced notice, the lesson will be billed as usual. Notification is to be given by text or email in order to be
excused, excluding other qualificaions (see below).
No verbal only notifications!
- Excused absences are not unlimited! Three(3) excused absences are allowed per 6 months, 3 for January through June and 3 for July through December.
- If you have to be absent beyond the 3 times, then the half-hour will be billed as usual.
- Rescheduling a lesson which you are unable to attend is dependent entirely on my availability.
I make every effort to accomodate life's bumps and turns, within reason.
Stoping lessons
- If you have to stop lessons, I ask that you notify me, at the very latest, on the last lesson you want to be charged for.
Text (phone) or email your stop notice. Please ~~ No verbal only notifications! ~~ :-)
Official notification of lesson termination must be given in writing (text or email) to be excused from any further payment obligation.
Holidays and other formal days off
Some days of the year, holidays and other "days off" will be automatically excused. Here are the ones I recognize:
- January 1st (New Years Day)
- July 4th
- Thanksgiving Day (just the Thursday)
- December 24th and 25th (Chirstmas Eve and Day)
If your lesson falls on one of these days, you will not be charged, unless you choose to reschedule.