How to Reach Me

"Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability." - Roy L. Smith

Phone / Text

503-779-5948 The fastest way to get a hold of me. Even during a lesson I am able to glace over to see your message. I don't answer my phone while I'm in a lesson (out of respect for my student's lesson time). Please leave a message. Unless I have a break between students, I will return your call later in the day.


If you don't need an immediate resopnse (with in a few hours) you can at this address. I may only have a few times each day where I can repond to your email.

Physical Address

The studio is located at: 875 Idylwood Dr., Salem , Or 97302
My physical presence at the studio varies from day to day; is based on how many students I have that day. You may mail or drop off payments ,but call or text first to make sure I am there.

Social Media and Web

Facebook - Find studio news ,student comments, fun guitar stuff.

website -


Here's the Map

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